Financial Aid for College

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Financial Aid


What Is Financial Aid, and How Does It Work?

Sticky note with 'Financial Aid' written on it, next to a sketch of a graduation cap.

Learn about financial aid for college, including loans, work-study programs, and grants.

FAFSA and CSS Profile


Important FAFSA Info and Deadlines You Need to Know

Close-up of a calendar with colorful push pins marking important dates and deadlines.

More than 9.9 million students require postsecondary education financial assistance each year—and you may qualify, too!

College and Beyond


When Is the Cost of College a Deal-Breaker?

FinAid Thumb - Mother and daughter reviewing financial documents and using a calculator for college expenses

Budget is one of the most important factors that students should consider when picking a school, and financial aid awards are an important part.

Applying to College? Financial Factors to Consider

FinAid Thumb - Group of diverse graduates in caps and gowns holding diplomas, with speech bubbles in the background.

Finances will likely influence where you pursue higher education. Discover key factors and sample tuition costs to consider.

4 Tips for Securing College Scholarships

FinAid Thumb - Father and son having a heartfelt conversation while sitting on a couch.

Explore four actionable tips for securing scholarship funding for college.

How to Choose Your Dream, Target, and Likely Schools

Thoughtful student looking up at a floating graduation cap with educational doodles in the background.

Curious about dream, target, and “safety” schools? Tips on making the most of your college application strategy.

Green circular icon featuring a line graph and bar chart, representing data analysis or growth tracking.

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FAFSA video thumbnail featuring the word 'College' highlighted in a dictionary and a college readiness program banner.

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Illustration of a calendar, clipboard, cash, and coins, symbolizing financial planning and FAFSA deadlines.